Thursday, July 14, 2011

Weeeee' to see The Lady

Rector Street Station
Monday July 11.  Monday morning - time for something new.  We headed down to the subway to buy our metro card and away we went.

In front of the Statue of Liberty!
We had tickets to the pedestal of the Statue of Liberty.  We wished we had tickets to the crown, but calling four months prior to our visit was not enough time, believe it or not!  But, that was okay!  We took the Liberty Cruise to Liberty Island and visited The Lady.  She was as beautiful (and green) as ever.  :)

Another tourist took our photo for us!
We did stop at Ellis Island on the way back to Manhattan but did not do a lot there.  They were shoring up the banks of the island in many places and had many of the pathways closed to pedestrian traffic.  I would love to trace the roots of my family to see who might have entered the country by way of Ellis Island.  They have a whole area devoted to just this kind of search, and it was very popular.

After returning to Battery Park, we headed off on foot in search of some lunch.  We ended up at the most confusing sandwich shop ever, called Au Bon Pain.  We are choosing to remember the term "pain" with regard to our lunch experience!  The sandwiches were actually very good, but the ordering process coupled with the drink/sides/dessert choice process was extremely confusing for a newbie.  Plus it was a mad house in there, so that did not help!  Oh well!  Live and learn.

View of the interior of Trinity Church
On the tour the previous day, we had passed Trinity Church and knew we wanted to go back to see it.  If you have seen National Treasure with Nicholas Cage, you know this church plays a big role in the film.  Here is some info about Trinity Church.

We walked down Wall Street just to say we did and met up with George Washington.  Well, we met up with a large statue of him, anyway.  George Washington was sworn in as our first President right there in that very spot.

It will always bring tears to my eyes.
Continuing on our walk, we headed over to Ground Zero to check on the progress of the World Trade Center Memorial.  You can check out the progress here.

And, yes, it was already dinner time.  Dan found a cute little restaurant on the Upper West Side, called "Good Enough to Eat."  It was yummy.

1 comment:

  1. Don't ya just love that your documenting of your vaca is done! Now get those pics in an album!!! Hope y'all are having a great time!
